➤ Ever since I was 20, I have dreamed of a small-scale ecological community. My whole life, it never ended up happening.
➤ One of the dark sides of existence, and the future in general, is that the longer you live, the less possibilities you have. Because you make your choices...
➤ I feel like they can be very coercive, those fixed milestones in life... and that actually very many, or quite a lot of people, just — I want to say this without judgement — really do the same things... having a child and remodelling their home and going on holidays and having a specific style of interior design and clothes, so... a utopia to me also seems to be something like... an alternative life, without... this kind of fear being instilled in us, if you don't follow all those steps, you will end up alone, or a failure, or I don't know what... So yeah, then what is... No, but you can say "I don't care", but... actually, it does upset me, I am affected by this...
➤ Yeah, I get that.
➤ Oh, right, so you recognise this?
➤ Yes, yes, absolutely, I felt like I was left behind by the side of the road while everyone was going super fast...
➤ Yes, I also feel that way sometimes. It's very intense, actually.
➤ There is little room for alternative paths. And you don't always... It's not like you necessarily choose this yourself...
➤ No!
➤ ... because a lot of people are like, "Yeah, but this is your choice", and then I think, "No, no, no, no..."
➤ There's a lot things you don't choose.
➤ A lot of things you don't choose. And, so...
➤ Is there no other side? A second opening?
➤ So, in a utopian situation...
➤ On the other hand...
➤ ... I would always have more and more possibilities...
➤ To remain young, I think, is to keep thinking in terms of possibilities.
➤ Searching. And it's... searching. Constantly searching, how will we do this, how will we do that, we have very limited time...
➤ I would always have more and more possibilities... (repeated)
➤ ... when you feel: it's now or never.