➤ That's what I find so difficult in a city, I simply don't know anyone in my neighbourhood.
➤ Yes, but even, we live in a village, and even there it's hard.
➤ I also find it really intense to always... there were four of us at home, you're part of a family and then suddenly you're on your own in your little flat...
➤ I feel a bit cheated in that sense, there's always been this ideal of self-realisation, and the individual, and you need to go live by yourself, and then you live by yourself, and then you think, wow, this is actually... really lonely...
➤ Yes! Right?!
➤ Like, huh, why? I thought this was what I was supposed to...
➤ "Now I'm totally free!"
➤ Yeah, but that is actually... It's a very... I don't consider that freedom.
➤ I do feel lonely sometimes, I don't necessarily mind feeling lonely, I do try to get a handle on this loneliness...
➤ Loneliness, I think it's horrible. And I still can't... deal with that. I think it's something... something very... I can't, I mean, I don't understand it. What it's good for. It's so boring, I love to share so much. So it's... yeah... it's a stage in certain things that just... remains. While all those other things, you can go through them, and you can process them, but that loneliness, sometimes I think... what is this, or why does this remain so elusive?
➤ I don't think it's a bad thing per se, because it kind of...
➤ ... slows things down?
➤ ... yes, slows things down, or gives things a certain depth, because you can't hand things over to someone else they resonate differently within you, and that experience... that's often something I miss in conversations, where you feel... "you haven't been on your own enough."
➤ It's easier to constantly seek distraction in others, instead of being by yourself. Sometimes you only encounter something when you face that loneliness.
➤ I mean, that sadness, I think, is actually something very — it sounds like a paradox, but something very good.
➤ That you have to go through, or something.
➤ Yes, and it's good to experience that, because it just makes you...
➤ Being lonely can sometimes make something click in people, that I believe.
➤ I also have the feeling that sometimes I need to go through it, like you just said. Like, I could go to a bar or something, but maybe now I just need to... And it's also Instagram, right, there it's like all the time, everyone always seems to be sitting there with a glass of cava...
➤ I only feel lonely when I'm in a group, and when I really feel lonely in a group, I go home.
➤ The loneliest moments for me, are when I'm on a crowded bus. She's sitting on a crowded bus, there's even people standing, that's when I feel loneliest, she said.
➤ That you can be alone, but that you can always... I think maybe that's it, as a human being, always knowing that you can go back to the group.
➤ Yeah, that is true. That you have the option...
➤ Because if you don't have that...
➤ ... how you could find other ways of living together...
➤ Yes.