English translation
➤ You learn to look differently. And maybe we should also do that for our ways of coexisting. Really get to know people again. Because everything, uh, WhatsApp, e-mail, yeah...
➤ Everyone is also sitting there pretty much by themselves, so it's not really a meeting place, either... And what would that, what would a meeting place look like where you don't feel like you need to consume all the time, and where there's also a way to get to know new people, like we're doing now, for example.
➤ In the play area, there's a swing for two persons...
➤ ... that's beautiful...
➤ ... and I was like, I want to swing, and someone was sitting there, and I just asked, "Can I join you?"
➤ Yes, exactly, that's how it starts...
➤ ... and we had such an amazing conversation! So I was like, I want this to become my new meeting place. I just want to swing, and whoever wants to join...
➤ Swings for grown-ups.
➤ Yes!
➤ Playgrounds for grown-ups!
➤ Yes, yes!
➤ And then I thought, oh, wow, that's actually quite new for me, to be somewhere I can really just, where I don't have to sit up straight, don't have to pay all the time, but I can just... lie down...