English translation
➤ Is a soft life possible, and how?
➤ There's no fear of rejection or poverty. You have the autonomy to go wherever you like. And in that autonomy, everyone can realise their highest potential. In creation or in caring for each other. We find each other here and learn from one another.
➤ You ask me what I need, or what needs to change, for me to feel safe and hopeful.
➤ I like to see my childhood as a life under a bell jar. For me, life under that bell jar was the softest, sweetest, purest life...
➤ I want us to have the possibility to seek out silence in both time and space. I want to get to the point where people feel comfortable enough to dare to simply... be.
➤ ... that a bell jar always implies a world outside...
➤ ... to first look inside and then to turn that same loving gaze to the outside.
Taking the time to notice that your neighbour needs help carrying their groceries. Taking the time to reflect on what you just read in the paper. Taking the time before you react in words, to realise that the person sitting in front of you actually just needs a hug. It is time to entrust new seeds to the earth, to listen to needs, to give time, and to smell the flowers.