English translation
➤ I think this might also be embedded in... in the soil on which we live, and which we inhabit, and which we use, and which we cultivate, and...
➤ How many people, young and old, don't know what world we live in anymore, or, or, all of the things happening around us...
➤ Imagine you go to a different country, on holiday or to go live there, and you don't start, like we always do, by learning the language, but you start with... with nature. Which plants are native, and what can you do with them? And I got this idea, I was sitting by the swimming pond in Antwerp and there were two girls there, and one girl was explaining, for example she was talking about the rose family, and she was explaining where it originated from, which plants belonged to it and what you could do with them, and I was sitting there, and I really thought...
➤ Maybe that would be a different approach, when you're visiting a country, that you don't look at the numbers or the language or... but that you really learn... which things live and grow there, and that you almost...