➤ Minimal lighting, so you can see the stars, and without people feeling unsafe... Because now, if you so much as mention turning off the street lights, you immediately get resistance, "Ooh, the bandits, they're hiding behind every corner, every tree, in every ditch there's a bandit who's going to rob me, who's going to do I don't what to me... We're too scared, I believe. We're made scared, by political opportunists as well as commercial organisations and companies, who say "if you don't have this, then you can't go on." Bullshit, you can go on, but in a different way. And everything doesn't need to be so perfectly measured... yeah, just a bit more... and less scared...
➤ But if you want the street lights to go out at night and half of your street doesn't want that...
➤ Give people responsibility, people need to take more responsibility to find their own solutions as well. And not look to the government or politics to solve every little problem, in that respect I think we're on the wrong track, we should do more ourselves...
➤ It's true that we all too quickly go "the government should do this or that", and we have had climate conference after climate conference, who is even still following that, without any solutions emerging. We shouldn't expect the government to come up with "the" solution.
➤ If we want solutions, we shouldn't wait for politics, we shouldn't wait for the government, we should do it ourselves.
➤ Maybe we should take matters into our hands more, and that is more difficult, of course...
➤ Of course.
➤ But I think that might be the only solution for the future.
➤ It's also this capitalist idea that you need services to do things for you... I even get that when I want to organise a party; what would a party look like where people bring something themselves, or... But this fear of suggesting something because it's different...
➤ My boyfriend and I, on our daily walk, saw a group of deer pass right across our route through the fields. They cared little about small obstacles like barbed wire or ditches, and followed their own shortest route. This was the solution, I thought. If we, like the deer, were to ignore barriers like some hedges and other people's gardens... The deer just came from this field, high above the fence to the next field...
➤ They just take the shortest way.
➤ I think it's beautiful that it's the animals that gave you this idea.