English translation
➤ I think it's kind of a shame that work is only mentioned in a negative way. But work can also give direction, or working together on something, or, I don't know...
➤ Maybe that's to do with the fact that nowadays, work monopolises our time and that we're too focused on working a lot and working hard and because of that, we lose sight of what's outside of work.
➤ Whenever I ask people how they're doing, everyone starts talking about work.
➤ ... that I was obsessively counting days and counting hours, and, ah, now I'm allowed to not work, I mean...
➤ ... Yeah, yeah, I completely understand you.
➤ I think the educational system, that we're being educated into becoming duty-people instead of free people, and I think that's a capital error of the educational system... Then I think, what if you turned that around and tried to start from joy and freedom...
➤ While I now say that I love working... but maybe I should think about... why do I say that, and why do I like working so much, because what do I really get out of it...
➤ Yes! Or about what else you like doing?
➤ ... because working is, is...