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English translation

➤ I get jealous when I see children, sometimes, running through the train, lying on a chair upside down, and then I think, yeah, I'd like that too...
➤ Just do it?
➤ Yes, maybe? Haha. What do you think the age limit is?
➤ What's stopping you?
➤ No, you're right...

➤ Swings for grown-ups.
➤ Yes, yes!
➤ Playgrounds for grown-ups!
➤ Yes, yes! But that's also a whole thing, that, uhm, playgrounds are also very organised spaces. While... you should just... I mean...

➤ My mum grew up near a square where there was an abandoned bus wreck, and there were, there were all kinds of things lying around, and that was were they would play, it wasn't an organised playground, but nowadays no one would let their child play in some square with a mound of sand and an abandoned bus, car tyres lying around...

➤ Now it's all, yeah, uniform, measured to the last millimetre, uh...
➤ ... and you can't add anything yourself...
➤ ... no, no, no...
➤ ... or build anything...
➤ ... no, no, no...
➤ ... unless you build your own camp somewhere in a wood...
➤ ... if you're even allowed to...
➤ ... but in the playground itself, you can't add anything yourself.

➤ Just playing for the sake of playing, without there having to be some kind of reward...